Welcome to SciTrek
SciTrek is a science outreach program that carries out multiday (5 - 8 hour) science inquiry investigations with elementary and secondary students during the school day with their teacher. SciTrek was founded in 2010 out of the Department of Chemistry and BIochemistry at UCSB by Drs. Feldwinn & Reich.
SciTrek provides opportunities for students to engage in authentic science experiences by exploring a Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) aligned phenomenon called a module. UCSB student mentors facilitate small groups of students through the experimental design process where the students get voice and choice over the aspect of the phenomenon they will explore. The modules conclude with students sharing what they learned to build a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. This classwide poster session, with their mentors, provides the opportunity for the students to practice scientific communication skills.
Providing elementary and secondary students with the opportunity to not only learn the science behind a phenomena (e.g. how does water get retained in soil to cause landslides), but also experience scientific practices (e.g. making observations, designing a testable question), helps students understand of how scientists use evidence based explanations to explain the world around them.
In addition to providing programming for students, SciTrek strives to help teachers and mentors learn effective three-dimensional based teaching practices by providing professional development and in class coaching. SciTrek has also partnered with other colleges and universities at Cal Poly SLO, CSUCI, and SBCC to broaden our impact.

Upcoming Events
Elementary SciTrek Volunteer Appreciation BBQ and Spring Quarter Sign-Ups
Location |
Date |
Time |
Chem Lawn | 3/31/25 |
5:30 - 7:30 pm |
Weekly Pizza Lunch with SciTrek Secondary!
Location |
Date |
Time |
Arbor, sometimes on the lawn nearby :) | Weekly on Wednesdays Spring Quarter | 12:00 - 1:00 PM |
SciTrek in the News
SciTrek, UCSB's largest education outreach program, garners new funding to expand